I Crap In a Box

I'm Maddie, a fabulous foul-mouthed Calico from Washington, D.C. I sleep, whine and poop a lot. Swearing like a sailor and vomiting like a supermodel round out my typical day. Tormenting my sister also warms my heart!

Wednesday, May 05, 2004


While Mommy was away at work today, strange and smelly men who work at our apartment complex came and gave us a new screen door to replace the one Kadi massacred. The fuckers locked the glass door that leads to the screen, so I was trapped in the apartment with nothing but the scent of kitten shit and plug-in air fresheners until our human could come home and open the door to fresh-air paradise.

Of course, within seconds of the glass door being open, Kadi jumped on the screen and started ripping at it so she could go outside again. Does she EVER learn her lesson? Sheesh! Mommy shut the door within 10 minutes of having it open -- right now it is cracked open so she can smoke and not have to smell her stinky self. Unfortunately, Kadi is known for squeezing between the glass and the screen, although her ass is getting bigger and she may not be able to get in there as easily as she did when she was a wee kitten. Or, her dumb ass will probably try it again and blow out the screen with her big ole butt this time!


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